SOA and BPM options disappear after SOA/BPM 12c QuickStart installation

Recently, I was working on a BPM Project in 12c when all of a sudden JDeveloper could not render the project composite and SOA components. After further investigation, when trying to create a New Project, the options to create a new SOA or BPM application disappeared!

I could not figure out what the root cause of this was but the solution for the fix was to install the Spring components via JDeveloper Updates:

1. Click Help --> Check for updates

2. Tick all sources

3. Tick Spring

4. Click Next to install the update

5. Restart JDeveloper

The SOA and BPM options should be back!

Yet to complete.

Search the Jar a Java Class belongs to

There are many useful online resources that allow you to find the JAR a Java Class belongs to such as

However from experience, in the Fusion Middleware monster of JARs, it can be difficult finding the JAR a Java Class belongs to, especially when running applications and facing missing class exceptions.

To find the JAR and its location within Oracle Fusion Middleware Home directory, follow the instructions below.

In Windows:

1. Open a command prompt window

2. Navigate to the base folder of all the JARs

3. Enter the following command, replace classname with the Class you are searching for:

forfiles /S /M *.jar /C "cmd /c jar -tvf @file | findstr /C:"classname" && echo @path"
4. The command prompt will retrieve the name and location of all JARs that contain the searched Class.